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Affirmations & Divine Quest Deck

Affirmations & Divine Quest Deck

₹1,250.00 Regular Price
₹1,012.50Sale Price


PERFECT manifestation or self growth tool for abundance, love and joy.


Details of the Deck: 

This beautiful box contains all the tools you will need to take your life to the highest and most abundant level. It is your rainbow on a rainy day, your sunshine after the clouds settle, it will equip you with all you need to transform your life into a better place.


This set of cards includes affirmations and tasks that you will need to complete, one step at a time. With each affirmation card, you will change your current mindset into a more abundant and fruitful space. Each quest card is a task for you to complete while you meditate. These divine tasks help you understand your current headspace, and challenge any limiting notions that keep you from where you can be.


Wherever you are in life, and at whatever stage you may be, these cards are the perfect kit you need on your journey.


This deck has 35 individual cards that will transform your life created by Nirali Desai.

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